Do you know garlic? I guess your answer will be yes. But I assume the garlic you know is the white garlic you are used to. But I am referring to the black garlic which is a more beneficial and a flavorful way to achieve a more satisfying meal.
It is beginning to make a wave in the culinary industry, and due to its incredible health benefits, I think it is essential you know about them, especially if you are a more adventurous eater.
Read on as I show you the health benefits of black garlic and how to make them!
What is Black Garlic?
Going into a little bit of long history about black garlic, its use as a high valued medicinal and culinary product was more popular in Asian countries like Korea, Japan, and Thailand. Korea is often said to be the place where black garlic originated from, where its process was thought to have been developed over several centuries.
According to historical records, black garlic was said to be used as a diuretic, antibiotic, digestive aid, anti-parasitic and a wide range of several other ailments. It is widely known for the anti-oxidant properties it possesses.
Today, black garlic is mostly used for its exceptional flavor and texture as a superior quality ingredient. It is also becoming more popular for its nutritional value that in a way, cannot be compared to raw garlic. Black Garlic simply refers to aging fresh garlic that has gone through a long time of fermentation process under highly controlled temperature and humidity.
- Higher in Anti-oxidants
- Easier to digest
- Sweet and Tangy
- No Garlic breath
- Mild immune Boosting effects
- Higher in some minerals
The Health Benefits of Black Garlic
As you might have been informed already, garlic, in general, is discovered to possess a good number of health benefits. Some of the health benefits of black garlic are discussed below:
It Helps to Lower Cholesterol
Cholesterol is vital to the human body, but at the same causes heart disease when it is too high. Research has shown that black garlic has an excellent ability to lower bad cholesterol, that is, LDL cholesterol. This ability to lower LDL cholesterol helps to reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, and premature death.
Black garlic has a higher concentration of some compounds as compared to raw garlic, such as the S-allyl cysteine compound which is a natural component of raw garlic and a derivative of amino acid cysteine.
It has been discovered via a scientific study that people who had a daily intake of black garlic extract for a minimum of 3 months had a significant reduction in their LDL while increasing the good cholesterol. It was also found out that protein B present in the blood lipids was lowered, which is a strong sign of reducing the risk of heart disease.
It Helps to Strengthen the Immune System
For various diseases and infections to be prevented, the immune system has to be strong. That is, the stronger the immune system is, the stronger the fight against infections and diseases in the body system.
Black garlic can be a vital ingredient in the diet of a person with a weak immune system as it helps strengthen the system. The white blood cells responsible for the immune response of the body are better stimulated with an intake of black garlic.
Protection Against Diseases
Researchers have found black garlic to contain just as twice of the anti-oxidant properties present in raw garlic. These anti-oxidants are present to protect the body cells against an invasion and also slow down the aging process. Studies are still being conducted to determine how effective black garlic can be in fighting against chronic diseases.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Black garlic also contains a high level of organosulfur compounds. These compounds are present in the forms of diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, and diallyl trisulfide.
These organosulfur compounds in black garlic help to relax the blood vessels, which consequently lower the blood pressure in the body. It is usually suggested for patients with high blood pressure to take 2 to 4 black garlic containing tablets daily.
Fights Against Cancer
One significant health impact of black garlic is its ability to fight against cancer in the body. Any part of the body can be affected by cancer, and it is as a result of rapid cell division, growth, and multiplication. Black garlic is often administered to cancer patients medically offering a longer life span as it fights against cancer.
Black garlic can reduce the growth and multiplication of cancer cells in the body. It helps in controlling cancer conditions such as liver, colon, lung, stomach, and breast cancers. Black garlic prevents the proteins involved in the rapid cell division from being produced by getting rid of the signals that produce the proteins.
Black Garlic May Help Diabetics
Such garlic has also been found to have the ability to treat diabetes by regulating the level of sugar in the blood. It helps to reduce the effects of some complications that come with diabetes. The more the antioxidants present in black garlic, the higher the rate of curing diabetes when taken. Black garlic possesses just the right amount to cure diabetes.
Contains Vitamins and Other Nutrients
The compound, allicin, which is responsible for the health benefits of garlic in general, is also present in black garlic. Black garlic contains a lesser amount (about 30 times less) of S-allyl-cysteine which could be dangerous to the body in large amounts. This garlic also contains a good amount of phosphorus that aids in building strong bones and teeth.
This phosphorus present in black garlic also helps in the facilitation of nerve conduction and filter out body waste in the kidneys as well as other several functions. Studies have also shown that black garlic also contains vitamins and minerals which are beneficial to the body such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, and vitamins C and B-6.
Reduces Allergic Reactions
Black garlic also helps to get rid of any form of allergic reactions. Allergies can be due to genes or environmental conditions, and they can be quite uncomfortable. The enzymes that create inflammatory components (such as prostaglandins) are weakened with the help of black garlic rendering the allergies inactive.
There is also a breakdown in Cytokines- which are the main promoters of cell death, inflammation, and swelling in the body. A reduction in their levels also occurs by the antioxidant SAC that is present in the black garlic.
How to Make Black Garlic
As earlier stated, black garlic is primarily produced by fermentation due to the presence of sugar and amino acids, as part of the elements contained in garlic. The moment garlic undergoes fermentation; these elements generate melanoidin, a dark-colored substance that is responsible for the color pigment of garlic.
The garlic bulbs are kept in an environment with controlled humidity. You should maintain a temperature ranging from 140 to 170 °F (60 Degree Celsius to 77 Degree Celsius) for about 60 to 90 days with no form of burning done or preservative added. The real deal happens during the carefully controlled process. The process is explained in the DIY step-by-step guide below:
Prepare Garlic
Gather the ingredients – 6 to 7 whole unpeeled garlic bulbs. Ensure to get rid of any dirt by scrubbing the garlic bulbs gently with the rough part of a clean sponge. Make sure the cloves are not removed from the bulb and do not let the bulbs get wet as this will affect the aging process.
Prepare Fermenter
Get the fermenter or slow cooker to warm. The warm setting offers just the right temperature and humidity needed for the aging process without cooking. You must be aware that even though the garlic is not cooking, a strong garlic odor will be present throughout the process.
Load Fermenter in a Right Way
Put the whole unpeeled garlic bulbs in the fermenter or cooker. Do not let it be overcrowded, that is, ensure there is enough space in between the garlic bulbs so as not to touch one another.
Let the garlic bulbs be placed uninterrupted on the “warm” setting for like 2 to 3 weeks until the cloves are black and soft. Make sure to be checking the fermenter or slow cooker from time to time to ensure the setting is still on the “warm” and not “low,” or it has not turned off.
When It Is Ready
When they are ready, you can leave them to rest in an airtight container for a few days, or let the soft and black garlic bulbs be stored in the same container for close to three months. After then, Squeeze out the cloves as needed.
Choosing What Kind of Garlic to Use
As long as the head of the garlic is round, you can choose to use red, white, or other kinds of garlic. Just make the garlic cloves are not rotten, and the rounded head is still very much intact. And also remember that the garlic should be clean and dry before you start the fermentation process.
The Aging Periods and Temperature Ranges
The main factors that influence the taste and features of black garlic are the aging period and temperature. The aging period of garlic is shorter at higher temperatures and vice versa.
140F or 60C Temperature Rate
The minimal temperature rate is 140F (60C). At this temperature, you will need to ferment garlic for several weeks. The color of garlic will be not completely black. It will be sweeter than ones aged at a higher temperature, but the content of the main antioxidant compounds of such garlic will be lower. In general, we do not recommend using this temperature to ferment black garlic.
158F or 70C Temperature Rate
The difference in 18F degrees (10C) significantly changes the whole process and the result. At this temperature, the speed of aging is twice faster than that at 140F (60C). The quality of black garlic is better, and it will have a uniform black color. It is still will be a bit sweet, but the content of the main antioxidant will increase considerably.
176F or 80C Temperature Rate
One more time, the higher temperature will cut the aging time, but it will be harder to control the quality of black garlic. At this temperature rate, it is difficult to find the best taste because of fluctuating phenol content and reducing sugar content. By fermenting garlic at this temperature or higher, you have a risk to get bitter and sour flavors.
Fermenters – How to Make Black Garlic at Home
Not going for the traditional method of fermenting your garlic, that is where the fermenter comes in. Having the best fermenter is one critical aspect of the fermentation process of black garlic.
A fermenter helps to ensure that the right amount of temperature and humidity is kept and also to ensure that you get your desired product and taste. So it will be to you a greater advantage and convenience to have a machine that can ferment your garlic bulbs for you automatically.
Below is a review the best black garlic fermenters you can come across.
NEX HT-KF20 Black Garlic Fermenter
NEX HT-KF20 Garlic Fermenter is a homemade device for the fermentation of garlic. The power the product runs on per day is 2.16 kW. This means that for twelve days, the product will run on a total power of 25.92kW.
It can take up to 20 to 30 garlic bulbs in one batch with the large capacity of 5.0 Liter it offers. As far as black garlic is concerned, it is considered a more cost-efficient and healthy way to meet the needs of your family.
360-degree humidity control and an intelligent heating circling System are included in this product. This feature ensures an effective and stable fermentation process.
It works on 12 days fermentation time for the same nutrition, shorter than long days in a typical traditional fermentation process. It also gives a better gummy texture and taste of sublime flavor almost immediately, without additives or preservatives.
MLGB Black Garlic Fermenter
This product is a 5L high-quality professional garlic fermenter. It features a digital countdown control and an inner cooking pot. It is also equipped with an intelligent 360 degrees humidity circle and hot air convection system to ensure perfect black garlic. The result provided by this fermenter is soft, sour, and sweet without irritation.
This product helps to ensure the moisture in the garlic is maintained, and the appearance is similar to the fruit. It also ensures that the alliin present is wholly preserved.
The duration for a complete fermentation of multi clove garlic bulb is at least 12 days and 15 days for the fermentation of a single garlic bulb. The term can be adjusted to meet different time needs of choice, different tastes, and good practicality.
This product also gives a unique drying function for heavy fresh garlic and large garlic; fermented moister black garlic can be dried to aid the fermentation effect.
Final Word
Both fermenters work great, and at the end of the main program, after 10-12 days, you will get sweet fermented black garlic with a delicious aroma and taste. NEX is a smaller but very easy to use fermenter, and I loved it more, because of its user-friendly interface. For those who are planning to make more than 12-14 bulbs at one time, a fermenter from MLGB will be more useful.
For both models I recommend:
- Be aware of a strong garlic odor – better to use fermenters in some room there this odor will not get you
- Be ready to spend some time cooking your best garlic – for the first time don’t use very expensive organic garlic
- I recommend checking garlic 1-2 days before the end of the cooking cycle
- After garlic become ready, leave it for a few days to rest in a dark place
What is Black Garlic Oil?
Popularly known as Mayu in Japanese, has its origin from East Asian cooking. It is majorly found in Korean and Japanese kitchens. Black garlic oil is a nourishing oil that is also used to enhance the growth of hair; reduces the loss of hair and stops it in time.
The production of black garlic oil involves a long and arduous process. Its production is done in two ways.
With a Fermenter
You can leave the garlic bulb in a fermenter or a rice cooker for several days or weeks with constant heat and humidity. This process will blacken it and bring about different flavors not found in the original state, the raw garlic.
On a Stovetop
Alternatively, you can opt for a second method; perhaps you are short on time, which is quicker but more labor-intensive. This method involves cooking garlic on low heat on a stovetop for a long time, say several hours.
Black garlic oil is taken with several Asian recipes such as ramen. It is added to ramen to give a new dimension of flavors and also enhance the existing flavors with a subtly sweet and smoky taste, enriching the broth.
How to Use Black Garlic
With time, black garlic is seen as an ingredient used in kitchens and not only in Asia but across several countries in the world. Bl garlic can be used in different exciting ways as part of the diet, although, possessing a totally unique taste. Here are some of the ways to bring bl garlic into your kitchen experience.
Black Garlic Recipes – Quick Ideas
- Mash some cloves of bl garlic with some chili and soy sauce. This can serve as an alternative stir-fry sauce.
- Combine herbs and cream cheese with bl garlic cloves for a tasty dip.
- Blend some bl garlic cloves with mayo and serve with burgers or chips. Creat a black garlic burger!
- Mix a homemade tomato sauce with some crushed bl garlic cloves and spread as a sauce base on a pizza or use with pasta.
- Add a sprinkle of water to bl garlic cloves and blend with a good quality olive oil for an alternative salad dressing.
- Dip bl garlic cloves into melted dark chocolate to give a sweet taste sensation.
- Slice your bl garlic cloves thinly and use to top salads.
- Add bl garlic to cheese on toast for a unique twist.
- Crush some bl garlic cloves with oil to create a thick liquid or paste then smear onto fish or chicken before roasting.
- Mash a few bl garlic cloves into a meatball mixture.
Recipes with Black Garlic
Marinade/Sauce for Steak
- 1 Fresno chile
- 1/3 cup Bl Garlic
- 1 tbsp Rosemary
- 1/2 cup Chopped tomatoes
- 2 tbsp Maple syrup
- 2 tbsp Pomegranate molasses
- 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
- 1/2 tsp Black pepper
- 1 tsp Salt
Black Garlic Hummus
- 15 oz Can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
- 2 tbsp Tahini
- 3-5 Cloves bl garlic
- 2 tbsp Fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 tsp Ground cumin
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 2-3 tbsp Olive oil
Roasted Pumpkin Soup With Black Garlic
- 3.3 lbs Raw pumpkin
- Splash of Olive oil
- 1 medium Yellow onion, chopped
- 1 Celery stick, chopped finely
- 3 Raw Bl garlic cloves, minced
- 1 1/2 tsp Ground coriander
- 1 tsp Ground cumin
- 2/3 tsp Freshly grated nutmeg
- 1 pinch of dry chili flakes (to taste)
- 1 tsp Dijon mustard
- 27 oz Vegetable stock
- 5 oz Cream
- Salt to taste
Black Garlic Butter
- 1 Bulb bl garlic
- 2 Stick butter, 1/2 cup each, softened
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Chopped fresh herbs
- Lemon or orange zest
Caramelized Onion and Black Garlic Gravy
- 33.8 lq oz Chicken or chicken and turkey quality stock
- 3.5 oz Bl garlic cloves
- 1 tsp Rosemary, fresh
- 1 tsp Sage, fresh
- 1 tsp Tarragon, fresh
- 1 tsp Thyme, fresh
- 1 tsp Celery salt
- 14 oz Yellow onions
- 3.5 oz Butter
- 4 tbsp Sherry
- 1 Splash Olive oil
- Black pepper to taste
Frequently Asked Questions about Black Garlic
Can I Eat Black Garlic Raw?
Yes, you can eat it raw. It actually does not stimulate as the fresh garlic does.
How Much Garlic Should I Consume Daily?
To boost your immune one or two cloves are recommended for consumption per day. But you should be careful and be attentive to your feelings, not everyone could eat raw garlic due to their stomach.
How Long Can I Keep Black Garlic?
Black garlic can be left in the fermenter for up to 40 days for a more intense and smoky flavor. After the fermentation process, you can put it in a dry place at room temperature for 10 to 14 days before use in case you want to try it as soon as possible. Otherwise, it can be stored for 2-3 months after fermentation.
Can I Freeze Black Garlic?
Yes, you can refrigerate for 30 to 40 days without losing its flavor. You can place it in an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator.
Also keep in mind that the usual full cycle of producing takes up to 4 months, extra time of keeping it not in the fridge won’t hurt it.
Black garlic is undoubtedly a fantastic product or ingredient that is useful in so many ways as you have seen in this article. It is not so surprising that the demand for such garlic is increasing day after day because of its benefits.
Black garlic is not only used as a medicinal ingredient but used in culinary adventures too depending on your knowledge of it. There is so much about it and its uses that you may want to know about. Did you found this article useful? Please share!